TTT: Series I’ve Given Up On

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week we’re talking about series we’ve given up on and wow, I have a lot, but I’ve whittled it down to ten!

Across the Universe Series – Beth Revis

Across the Universe

I read and really enjoyed Across the Universe. The premise was exciting but the plot fell a little short with such a predictable villain. I read it years ago and it clearly didn’t have enough of an impact to make me want to continue.

House of Night Series – P.C. and Kristin Cast


I mentioned this in a previous TTT and I gave up on this a LONG time ago. Convoluted plots, annoying main character and excessive recapping made this a pain to read.

The Mortal Instruments series – Cassandra Clare

City of Bones

I read City of Bones and just didn’t like the pacing of this book. It felt like a watered down urbanised version of Harry Potter and though I loved The Infernal Devices and these are ridiculously popular I can’t be convinced to continue! (Plus I read plot summaries online ages ago, so no need, right?)

Private series – Kate Brian


I loved these books as a teen. They were like Gossip Girl set in a boarding school featuring glamorous parties, drama and murder. I almost made it to the end, but the series carried on forever, the plots seemed a little too contrived and I gave up.

Crazy Rich Asians series – Kevin Kwan

Crazy Rich

I’ll admit that when I read this, I had no idea that this was going to be part of a series so it hadn’t been on my radar at all. It was however, really a very long book for how much substance there is to the plot – fun but not compelling enough to read the sequel.

Read my full review of the book here.

Matched series – Allie Condie


I really loved the first book in this series but the second one fell a little bit flat. I don’t think I enjoyed the flipping between viewpoints and I just don’t remember enjoying the second book as much.

Heist Society series – Ally Carter

Heist Society

I enjoyed the first book in this series, I really did. I love me a good heist story but this is one that I just forgot about a little and haven’t looked out for the sequels for. And again, it clearly didn’t excite me enough to want to actively try to read the sequels.

Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children series – Ransom Riggs

Miss Peregrine's

This book was clever and although I loved the original photos that Riggs used to inspire the story, I just didn’t love it. I think I expected it to perhaps be written for an older audience and maybe be a little bit darker (though that’s not to say it isn’t dark).

Uglies series – Scott Westerfeld


This was originally a trilogy which I did enjoy. But when the fourth book, Extras, came out I just wasn’t interested. There’s just not enough fluidity between the books as at the start of each book the MC Tally is almost rebooted and I wasn’t committed enough to the series very much by the end.

The Medusa Project series – Sophie McKenzie

The Medusa Project

These books were about teens with psychic powers and I really enjoyed them. I stopped reading these mostly because I kinda forgot about them and they weren’t popular enough to be on my radar at all times. This is possibly the only series I’d consider retrying from this list!

What do you think? Any series I should give a second chance? What have you given up on?

21 thoughts on “TTT: Series I’ve Given Up On

    1. No guilt here from stopping after Book 1, there’s just no point continuing a series you don’t enjoy! 🙂


    1. Oh my gosh, I feel you! The number of times I would have an idea, start writing a story related to that idea and then see that someone has ALREADY done it is unreal. But that doesn’t mean your story isn’t going to be great! ❤


      1. Well I hope so, I’m struggling with it a bit at the moment! I don’t really mind doing something similar to other people’s work because there is only a finite number of stories, what makes the difference is you!


    1. Ah yes, I think it was just one of those vampire books that made the rounds and is universally hated because the protagonist is so awful haha!


  1. I know what you mean about City of Bones, the pacing is a bit inconsistent when it jumps between action sequences and dialogue scenes. It’s a shame you didn’t enjoy Crazy Rich Asians, I’ve not read that yet but I’m hoping to at some point because I’ve seen a lot of positive reviews about it. Who knows though, I might end up agreeing with you about being too long. Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wanted a bit more worldbuilding I think for City of Bones but I guess we’re following Clary who just gets sort of thrown in on the deep end!
      It’s definitely a fun read, but not my usual genre so when I found out that it was part of a series I just didn’t feel like continuing! I hope you enjoy it, I think the film looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun!
      Thanks Kate! ❤


    1. City of Bones was really popular when I was a teen and I totally see why people like it. And I read all the summaries so I think if you enjoyed the first one you’ll enjoy the next few. What issues did you have with it by the way?


  2. I read the first two of the Miss Peregrine series and lost interest. Same with Mortal Instruments. It happens. I don’t feel I have to finish a series. Only if I feel compelled. Stand alone are okay, but sometimes you want more. Awesome post! ♥️


    1. I definitely don’t feel guilty for abandoning a series like a lot of folk do but I’m glad to see I’m not the only one sometimes! 🙂


  3. I completely agree with you on Matched, House of Night and Uglies. There used to be a time when I couldn’t leave series unfinished and I had read the first two during then. Unfortunately I read them till end and I didn’t like em. I read Uglies recently and thankfully have no qualms about DNFing now 😌

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I couldn’t get into City of Bones either! Some of the writing just didn’t work for me. I haven’t read anything else by Cassandra Clare but now I’m hesitant to try.

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  5. City of Bones was also based on her HP fanfic which may have made it a little clunky. I liked the spin-off series, so you might enjoy one of her latest books.


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